GSN Planet Project 5

The Collier Family recently was asked to share their top five Montana wellness inspirations with Green Spa Network, – GSN PLANET PROJECT 5

GSN Planet’s mission is to stimulate the awareness of the connection between human vitality and planetary wellbeing. As wellness leaders, we are doing our part to raise awareness and activism for the betterment of our businesses, our community, our planet, and each other.

About The Collier Family

Collier Family


CollierConcepts is a multi-generational budding family business focused upon wellness + hemp + sustainability.

We hope you enjoy the Collier Family PROJECT 5 inspirations and our Montana family movie. Gratitude to GSN for keeping us all connected and in the community with sustainability at the helm.

Sending our best to wellness seekers around the world, would love to hear from you! Let us know when you are headed to Montana, will meet you in Glacier National Park for a great hike followed by a cold plunge in a glacial lake!

Enjoy The Collier Family’s top picks below.

1 // Fly Fishing: Cary Collier | Baby Boomer

Cary Collier, principal Blu Spas Inc. fishing on the river


One of my happy places is fly fishing in a mountain river. The surrounding scenery, sounds and smells of nature are never less than beautiful. It is my haven for serenity and remedy for whatever life has gifted or challenged.

More than ever, outdoor spaces and time in nature spawn a wondrous variety of what we in our industry call ‘wellness immersion experiences.’ For young and old, go outside and play, be still, get dirty or just stop and be quiet, listen and let joy rush over and through you.

Perhaps fly fishing has saved my life…now I know it is not always catching the fish that I am after. Being in a river is sacred to me as if the soul of the earth needs quiet places as we do and a river is a fine choice.

Go find your river…

2 // Kiss The Ground: Kim Collier | Baby Boomer

Kim Collier Bio Photo

I have two girl crushes, besides our precious daughters…first, forever grateful for mother earth, and second, grateful for the hemp plant.

From fertile soil to feminized medicinal blooms to finished products yielding over 50,000 uses as food, fiber, medicine, fuel, built environment and more, hemp is a botanical wonder! It is “Croptober” October harvest time, I have been volunteering on an organic hemp farm in Montana.

As a wanna-be ethnobotanist, honestly, all I remember from high school is the definition of photosynthesis: the process in which green plants make sugar and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of sunlight.

Years later, as a spa and wellness practitioner/educator and organic product aficionado, it is clear that photosynthesis, mother nature and plants are at the core of much-needed PLANeT Based Healing. For a soul-happy dose of botanical possibilities, highly recommend viewing the documentary “Kiss The Ground” on Netflix.

It is time to plant and work together, activate regenerative farming and living, action global sustainability solutions & deliver wellness for all.

Let us make the earth great again.

3 // Adventure Beauty: Cierra Ayu Collier | GenY

Cierra Ayu Collier


Adventure beauty is putting a strengthening clear coat on your freshly clipped nails and bringing a curated collection of skincare with you into the backcountry. There’s something special about heating up my face washing water on a backpacking stove and laying my face towel out to dry in the sun.

It is putting on sunscreen and blush even when you don’t have a mirror or reflective surface. It’s forgetting to take off all ten of your rings before you begin a rock climb…and doing it anyway! It brings me joy to combine my love for beauty and wellness with the beautiful backdrops of Montana and the West. Lovely juxtaposition.

As a cosmetologist, my product company pick for PROJECT 5 is Eminence Organic Skin Care. Their sample sets are perfect for adventure beauty!

4 // Life As Art: Kiara Asia Collier | GenZ

Kiara Asia Collier

Something I always remind myself is to make life into a work of art. Where mistakes add more character and expressing yourself is accepted and encouraged. I study communication and am constantly working on some form of art, not just as a career or hobby, but as a lifestyle.

I have a strong desire to understand people, embrace diversity, and push my creative boundaries. I believe wholeheartedly that life does imitate art. There is a certain wholesomeness that comes with each stepping stone of life when things as small as a conversation with a stranger can be shaped into inspiration.

Everything you do – each person you meet, each day you live, every choice you make, are all additions to your masterpiece.

5 // Live Long & Prosper: Star Trek

Spock Star Trek

During “The Q 2020”, we re-discovered Star Trek! May we all “boldly go where no one has gone before” and “live long and prosper”!