Perspectives, Plastics and Bicycles

Green Spa Network, 8th Annual Congress, September 26-30, Yosemite National Park

by Doug Chambers


This year’s GSN was held in Yosemite National Park at Tenaya Lodge in a spectacular setting. Like all of the GSN Congresses I’ve attended, there’s a palpable sense of destressing from almost the moment of arrival and the agenda assured opportunities to be outdoors and interact with colleagues.

With sustainability as the driving theme of GSN and commitment to sustainability the common litmus test of its members and sponsors, the events foster a sense of community and shared values. The event’s presenters referenced this theme in varying degrees, some as only an incidental touchstone and others as central to their presentation.


Author Simon Robinson introduced us to his concept of “Holonomics and the Dynamics of Seeing,” which focused on how one’s perspective determines how information is received. My distilled translation is that any new or different idea must be put in a context that your audience can digest and you can’t assume that your beginning assumptions in presenting a new or different idea are necessarily relevant to your audience.


Perhaps the most impactful presentations were those made by Daniella Russo and Allan Ishac. Daniella gave a passionate account of the disastrous effects plastics have on our environment and on our health and a strong call to action in minimizing our global use of plastics. Her presentation was so compelling, even though I walked into her presentation with a fairly good idea about most of the information she presented, that I’ve now almost made the transition into an anti-plastics activist.


Allan Ishac introduced me to a movement that was wholly unfamiliar to me. His theme was “Global Change Comes in Cycles,” which detailed charitable programs around the globe that provide bicycles to those in need.

Allan’s presentation put a very personal face to this movement, showing how stunningly transformative and liberating a change is made to the lives of those in need by the relatively simple act of giving them a bicycle. Beyond the obvious transportation, exercise and fun benefits, he also showed how these bikes are being used to ease domestic life and drive industry as an off-the-grid power source.

One of these charities, 88bikes Foundation endows bikes to girls throughout the world, especially survivors of human trafficking. For a contribution of $88, a bike will be purchased for one of these girls.

Similarly worthy charities and worth checking out are, and others. For a detailed account, see Allan’s article in the Sept-Oct issue of Momentum Magazine.

After 3 days of inspiration, camaraderie and shared goals, the event was finished and I had a long drive back to LA to mull it all over.