Spa Consultant Tips – Design Spas As A Place To Gather




The idea is straightforward enough: design a compelling spa environment for couples or friends – old and new – to gather and share good vibes in a great place. “As spa consultants, Blu Spas, Inc. has discovered that traditional spas’ hushed, often somber settings can be off-putting to many and, in particular, don’t appeal to younger spa-goers.” Doug Chambers says.

“As more people have embraced the spa experience as an integral part of their lifestyle, they want spas to include spaces for interaction, shared experiences and community.”

In creating the right balance of shared experiences and private spaces, Blu Spas pays particular attention to indoor and outdoor lounge areas, thermal experiences, water features and private suites and considers how these spaces may be programmed to accommodate a variety of uses. We suggest a spa design that creatively positions these features to allow for an enticing variety of services to suit your market, location and peak / off-peak times. Suncadia Resort in Cle Elum, Washington USA offers exactly all these features and spectacular spaces ( in collaboration with Destination Hotels, the design team & Blu Spas Inc).

Giving your guests choices for both treatments and self-directed experiences utilizing the more social features of your spa creates a satisfying and memorable relief from the drudgery of normal life.

One of the operational benefits of this emerging trend of “spa together” is that, with the right facility features, the self-directed experiences can drive revenues not burdened by the same payroll load as treatments … dropping more money to the bottom line.

Just as importantly, this approach gives guests the chance to connect … with their friends, mates or better selves … and who doesn’t want that